
AKC Virtual Programs You Can Do From Home

AKC Virtual Programs You Can Do From Home

AKC Virtual Programs You Can Do From Home


Are you interested in AKC Virtual Programs? These online programs allow you to train your dog without actually leaving your home. You can take ACT, AKC Rally, Scent Work, or Virtual Obedience Test classes. There are many different types of AKC Virtual Programs, so you can choose one that best suits your dog. Besides, you can train your dog while you are at work, and your dog can participate in the same course as you do.

AKC Virtual Programs You Can Do From Home

AKC Virtual Programs You Can Do From Home

ACT Virtual Program

The American Kennel Club has just announced a new way to train your dog, called AKC Virtual Programs. The online learning system Outschool offers classes in various subject areas, including dog training, obedience, and conformation. The new AKC Public Education program will teach virtual classes in various subjects, including Meet the Breed, responsible dog ownership, and dog breeds. Outschool classes can be purchased for as little as $8, and are available for all ages.

AKC Virtual Programs make it easy to train your dog for agility competitions, even if you can’t get to a training facility. You can enter events through AKC Virtual Programs, and you can even purchase equipment online. These programs are designed to allow you to compete in a variety of events while sitting in your living room. It is a great way to practice and improve your dog’s agility skills and earn valuable points toward the AKC Championship.

AKC Virtual Obedience Test

The AKC Virtual Obedience Test Program is a new program that allows participants to train their dogs virtually using a variety of training tools. These tools, available as a combo set, include 20 signs, 10 courses, and 10 station numbers. The booklet is printed on bright white 24lb paper and 110 lb cardstock with three-mil lamination. Participants can practice the exercises at home on the computer, or print the video demonstrations for their judge.

This program works similar to regular obedience tests. In addition, it allows exhibitors to enter the AKC Rally events without having to travel to the actual competition venue. A virtual test involves steering a dog through a series of 10 to 20 signs that instruct the dog in basic obedience maneuvers. The video evaluations are submitted to the AKC for approval. To participate, a dog must already be registered with the AKC, either through a breeder or through the Canine Partners Program. Video evaluations are $25 per title.

The AKC PupPal program matches a child’s nomination for a dog with an adult volunteer. The volunteer will work with the child and his dog to demonstrate basic obedience skills. The child and the dog will then go on to complete the AKC PupPals test. While the AKC PupPals Program is a great way to support a pet, it is also a great opportunity to learn more about dogs.

AKC Rally Virtual Program

AKC has announced the Rally(r) Novice Virtual Pilot Program, which allows novice exhibitors to compete from home and earn qualifying legs towards the RN title. The program is a joint venture between Revolution Dogs Sports and Spot on Saskatchewan, which will be adding lessons to the site every week from June 1 to August 3 and reviewing videos through August 31. The Rally Virtual Program is not intended for trial candidates. For novices, however, the program is a great way to start learning the basics of rally obedience.

The AKC Rally Virtual Program has a variety of rules and requirements. You must be an active member of an organization to participate. You must be a member of the Oriole DTC to qualify for the Novice leg. To participate, you must complete an entry form and submit a video of your dog performing the run to AKC. To submit the video, you must pay an entry fee and upload it to YouTube.

Virtual Scent Work

If you’re interested in teaching your dog the basic skills of Scent Work, then you should consider taking advantage of the AKC Virtual Programs for Scent Work. These courses allow you to take advantage of your surroundings while still training your dog for Scent Work. Common household items can be used as target articles. Beginner levels require your dog to locate an article in 1.5 minutes, and each test level becomes increasingly difficult.

Scent Work is a dog sport based on professional detection dogs. They are trained to recognize a variety of substances and odors. AKC Scent Work dogs search for the scent of a specific container containing an essential oil. The scent is hidden on an object and the dog must locate it despite changing airflow patterns. For each element of Scent Work, dogs must pass three times to earn a title.

Virtual Home Manners

The AKC Virtual Home Manners test is similar to the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test, but instead of evaluating a dog’s behavior in public, it evaluates the dog’s manners at home. While the AKC Virtual Home Manners test does not assess dog behavior in public, it is a good first step for any owner looking to get their dog a CGC title. It also provides a natural lead-in to more advanced training.

The AKC Virtual Home Manners title is open to both adult dogs and puppies. The program is designed to allow the dog owner to test their dog’s manners in the comfort of his or her own home without worrying about the cost of Canine Good Citizen testing. The AKC Virtual Home Manners test requires that owners video their dogs performing the required skills, and the videos are submitted to an approved AKC Canine Good Citizens judge.

AKC Virtual Trick Dog

If you’re looking for a fun summer activity, the AKC Virtual Trick Dog Competition in 2021 is just what you need. This competition is a great way to start your dog in the sport of trick dog training. There are divisions for dogs nine and younger, those ten and thirteen, and another category for dogs fourteen and older. If you want to enter, you should consider submitting a video of your dog’s tricks.

The AKC has approved virtual trick evaluations, which allow owners to earn titles without leaving the comfort of their own home. In this process, the owner submits a video of his or her dog performing tricks and an Evaluator reviews it. Once the video is approved, the Evaluator sends the owner a certified evaluation from the AKC. Once the AKC has received the video, the owner can then start training their dog.

The Trick Dog division of the AKC has launched a virtual program for judging tricks. Once a dog has reached the Novice level, the trainer can record it and submit it to the AKC. AKC members can then compete for a title, including a prize. If you are a novice, you can work towards the Novice Trick Dog title by performing ten tricks from the AKC Tricks Checklist in video.


The AKC FIT DOG Virtual Program provides a comprehensive training course for canine fitness instructors. Each course module consists of video lectures, written materials, and a quiz. You must complete the entire course to receive a certificate of completion. Once you’ve completed the course, you’ll need to take a final exam. Once you purchase the course, you can’t refund it. However, you can use the certificate to advertise your classes in the local area.

For introductory-level classes, the AKC FIT DOG program is designed to expose your dog to a variety of exercise types. It helps build their confidence, balance, and fitness. You can even register for a free banner to promote your club’s AKC FIT DOG virtual course. AKC FIT DOG courses are also required for CGC testing. Once they’ve completed the program, your dog can earn a CGC!

Another virtual program for dog training is the AKC Trick Dog program. It assesses your dog’s behavior in 10 different skills. These skills focus on basic dog obedience, building a bond between you and your dog, and becoming a well-behaved canine. You can also earn two official AKC titles – “Theater Dog” and “Theater Dog.”

Virtual Water Test

The AKC Virtual Programs for Water Test is an online program where you can evaluate your dog’s ability to swim and recover above water. The program is easy to use and does not require the dog to be present at an actual competition. All you need to do is submit a video of your dog performing the water test, and two judges will review the video. Once the video has been reviewed, your dog’s qualification will be added to your dog’s win file and a digital e-certificate will be emailed to you for your records.

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